Flow Engine

A Platform (gSDPro)

  • Powerful task (flow) engine
    • Loop
    • 1 result to multiple steps
    • AND/OR logic
    • Call task (flow)
  • Dynamic load/unload dlls
    • Function dlls
    • Interface dlls
  • Easy design UDF libraries
  • Easy design UDF interfaces
  • Multiple type of logs

Powerful flow engine

A Platform (Cont.)

  • Real time edit tasks (flows)
  • Real time run/stop tasks (flows)
  • Real time edit global object
  • User Defined UIs
  • Security

A flow (state) editor (gSDEdit)

  • Setup Libraries
    • Load dlls, save to config file.
    • Load dlls, get related functions for tasks use.
  • Edit flows
    • Create/edit tasks.
    • Save into config file.
  • Edit global object
    • Create/edit global object.
  • Edit interfaces
    • Load dlls, save into config file.